Why do we offer FFG (Verify)?
Joining forces with a nonprofit to earn community service hours is a rewarding form of personal and professional development. People need certified community service hours for different reasons. Maybe you’re graduating high school, applying for college, amping up your business resume, or have mandated court orders. In these types of situations, you need 1) A nationally registered 501(c)3 to write you a letter detailing your formal participation in their programs, and 2) Someone from the organization to be available to verify this letter if/when your people email/call.
Our nonprofit, Eyes On Your Mission, awards community service hours to people who can prove they have completed our online course, FIlmmaking For Good. You can complete this program individually on your own, or as part of a group facilitated by a professional educator. By completing all 16 modules of our virtual programming and producing a short video at the end, we know you’ve deepened your knowledge about how to shape your reality using the camera on your smartphone.
What is FFG (Verify)?:
We offer a product called FFG (Verify) for $99, which you can purchase only after you’ve completed our 16-module Filmmaking For Good course. We verify 20 HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE: The average length a student takes to absorb the material, complete all the assignments, produce a video, then post on social media.
You will receive the following after using our FFG (Verify) service:
- Custom Certificate of Completion
- Custom Community Service Letter
- Verification Code
- Verification Phone number
How do I purchase FFG (Verify)?
Cost = $99
In order to receive your community service letter, you will need:
- A YouTube link to the completed video that you made during FFG (16)
- A screenshot of your video social media post with at least 10 likes and 2 comments
- To complete a survey with 17 questions about your FFG (16) experience