“Filmmaking For Good” Online Course &
Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida

Girl Scout Troop Creates Videos For Positive Impact

(Case Study with Gabrielle Stieglitz of Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida)

Gabrielle Stieglitz // Program Assistant // Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida: “ I have gotten really, really good reviews from the parents of our participants. They said Filmmaking For Good was a fantastic program. We even had a couple of girls that were from outside Miami, we had a couple of girls from Greater Chicago, Los Angeles and another girl who is from Massachusetts. Everyone had positive reviews and they were absolutely blown away with the program itself.” 

Gabrielle Stieglitz is a Program Assistant for the Girls Scouts of Tropical Florida and she ran the Filmmaking For Good curriculum where a troop of Girl Scouts had the opportunity to create videos to share their own personal experiences during learning from home. Each student with the guidance of Filmmaking For Good created a video sharing about a cause that is important to them and their community. The result was a handful of videos created by students that showcased their experiences learning from home, resiliency during a time of crisis, and the power of coming together as a community. 

The Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida is one of 112 councils nationwide chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA to deliver Girl Scout programs. Our council serves over 20,000 girls and adult volunteers in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties and maintains five campsites, each offering unique experiences for girls and adults.